Friday, November 12, 2010

Avatar Extra Credit

I had fun creating my Avatar using a website inspired by the Wildlife Conservation Society and New York Zoos called Build Your Wild Self. I thought it was really fun and interactive. I got the opportunity to make myself like an animal. I liked the fact that you could also make yourself a regular human but I thought the animal aspect was a fun twist. I made myself an elephant because that animal is significant to my sorority. I also made my attire colors that are similar to that of my sorority's colors because my sorority is important in my life. I got an opportunity to put my Avatar in a specific background and I chose a Sahara-like atmosphere because I feel like that gives elephants a vast amount of space to roam. The background has sound effects with thunder and lightning and also my Avatar's trunk moves and I can hear elephant sounds. Although my Avatar had elephant feet and ears as well as a trunk, I made skin and hair color significant to my own and I made the eyes and eyebrows look as if they were peering to the side because I always have my eyes and ears open and I am very nosey! That is also why everything is big - eyes, nose (tusk) and ears!

I think creating an Avatar is an interesting project. It is pretty cool to make a 3-D you! You can customize it to be just like you or maybe an alter ego. They are commonly used in video games and they can also be used to replace a username when an individual writes a post or discussion. I enjoyed this activity!

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